
  • NewsRachel Bertsche

    Parents Confess How They Really Feel About Family Holiday Gatherings

    The holidays are supposed to be about love, togetherness and giving thanks. But for plenty of parents, these annual gatherings are more stressful than they are serene. For every person who loves the family bonding time, there’s someone who dreads the gossip, the chaos, and the inevitable fights. These 11 parents revealed how they really feel about the holidays, and let’s just say it’s not all tidings of comfort and joy.

  • NewsRachel Bertsche

    Confessions of Parents Who Gave Their Kids Up For Adoption

    If there’s one common theme in these 21 revelations from parents who chose to put their babies up for adoption, it’s that the decision is never simple. These honest confessions reveal a combination of sadness, fear, confidence, regret, satisfaction and guilt, as well as the reality that the child is never far from the biological parent’s mind. The confessions were made on the secret-sharing app Whisper, an online outlet for brutal honesty.  For more confessions about family life, kids, and paren

  • NewsRachel Bertsche

    18 Confessions of Parents Fighting for Custody of Their Kids

    Breakups are brutal, especially when children are involved. Custody battles can get messy and hostile, and if there’s one thing to be learned from these parents in the thick of it, it’s that these fights are unpleasant for everyone involved. These 18 anonymous parents confessed their deepest fears and frustrations — with their exes, their kids, even the presiding judges — using the secret-sharing app Whisper, a cheaper-than-therapy (free!) outlet for brutal honesty. 

  • NewsYahoo Parenting

    Teachers Tell All: 20 True Confessions

    As back to school season rolls around, it would be nice to think that all teachers are thrilled to get started with another year of molding young minds. Some of them are, but, as these honest revelations from teachers show, some are just as hesitant as their students to head back into the classroom. What do teachers really think of their students — the popular girls, the loners, the cute couples? These 20 teachers revealed their true opinions about school, students, and fellow teachers on the se

  • NewsYahoo Parenting

    Kids Reveal How They Really Feel When Their Parents Get Divorced

    Divorce may be between a husband and wife, but often the couple’s kids are unwitting third parties in the breakup. For many children, the split can feel personal, confusing, and heartbreaking. For others, it can be a relief. But often, the children affected by divorce don’t tell their parents how they’re really feeling.