
  • NewsMeredith Shiner

    Cory Booker: Senator Snapchat

    Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., take a selfie with pages in the Capitol’s Senate Reception Room after a vote on amendments to the energy bill, Jan. 28, 2016. If you were walking around Central Park in New York City earlier this week, you might have seen a tall man with earbuds in, holding up his iPhone, trying to capture video of a boy struggling to fly a kite. What might have seemed like a mundane moment to most passersby was actually about to become a “snap,” a

  • NewsAlyssa Bereznak

    The White House on Snapchat and President Obama's digital legacy

    The White House joining the social platform is the final frontier in the Obama administration’s quest to connect with a younger generation— a move that has as much to do with solidifying his legacy as it does with pushing his policies.

  • NewsAlyssa Bereznak

    People are applying Snapchat filters to the GOP candidates and it’s terrifying

    It seems Snapchat’s new selfie filters arrived just in time for Wednesday night’s Republican debate.

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