Stuntwoman Joi Harris Dies in Motorcycle Accident on 'Deadpool 2' Set

From Popular Mechanics

Stuntwoman Joi "SJ" Harris passed away during a motorcycle accident while filming a stunt scene for the upcoming film Deadpool 2 in Vancouver. Harris's death was confirmed by The Vancouver Police Department which confirmed the death on social media Tuesday. She was a dedicated and talented stunt person, and I know because she was my cousin.

Harris's motorcycle career began in 2013 and after a whopping 1,500 training hours-the equivalent of over 62 full days-she became the first African American woman licensed to compete in American Motorcyclist Association races. An on track accident while training for her first race kept her from being able to race until 2014 at which point she competed in the American Sportbike Racing Association/Championship Cup Series.

The accident occurred while Harris, who was doubling for actress Zazie Beetz who plays the character Domino, was performing a scene she'd trained for all weekend before attempting it on set. Eyewitnesses told Deadline that her bike appeared to accelerate when it was supposed to slow down as she made a turn on a corner. As a result she crashed through a plate glass window of Shaw Tower on West Waterfront Road near Jack Poole Plaza. She was not wearing a helmet, a requirement of the stunt.

The filming of the Deadpool sequel has been put on hold until further notice due to this tragic event. This is the second on set death in a matter of months in North America following the death of John Bernecker who suffered from massive head injuries due to a fall on July 12th while filming the AMC TV show The Walking Dead.

The cast members are all deeply saddened as a result of the tragic events which took place, expressing their grief on social media, and extending condolences to her family. I share their pain, and because she was there to put her life on the line for the safety of other crewmembers, she was part of their family too. She will be missed.

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