Stephen Colbert has some things to say about Trump’s latest tweets

In what’s become something of an embarrassing national tradition, Donald Trump this week took to Twitter and blasted MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski. In a pair of tweets, Trump called Brzezinski “low I.Q. Crazy Mika” and then later referenced a New Year’s Eve meeting where he said “she was bleeding badly from a face-lift.” Predictably, Trump’s tweets were widely criticized, with even prominent Republicans coming out and stating that Trump’s behavior was decidedly un-presidential.

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“I’m fine,” Brzezinski said of the tweets. “My family brought me up really tough. This is absolutely nothing for me personally. But I am very concerned about what this once again reveals about the president of the United States. It’s strange.”

Chiming in on the matter, Stephen Colbert couldn’t help but throwing a few targeted jabs in Trump’s direction on last night’s episode of Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

“I want to say something right now that I did not think was possible anymore,” Colbert said at the top of the episode. “I am shocked by something Donald Trump said. I thought by now, after five months of this, that my soul had calcified into a crouton. Not true.

“First of all,” Colbert continued, “someone bleeding badly at your door and you say ‘no’? It sounds like your health care plan. I think turning them away from your hotel during the middle of winter is literally the story of Christmas. Only there wasn’t a wise man in sight. This is shocking and viscous, and so on-brand.”

The full clip can be seen below.

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