Spinnner Is the Hot New App Where You Spin Around in Circles Until You Vomit


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Spinnner: It’s a new app for iPhone that lets you challenge a friend to see who can spin around in circles 10 times in the the fastest.

I don’t mean a character on the screen, or an avatar: I mean you, physically, must spin around 10 times, and FAST. Roller skates, office chairs with wheels, and consuming incredible amounts of alcohol beforehand are encouraged.

How does it work? Well, Billy, you just hold your iPhone in your hand and then spin; the iPhone’s gyroscope measures your spins, and then tells you how quickly you spun. You can also compete against a friend in the same room as you by connecting your two iPhones via Bluetooth, and then you can spin together.

Make sure you point your camera at your face, too, so that you can see yourself spinning, and also see how many spins you’ve completed!


Spinnner (yes, there are 3 N’s in the app’s name) costs $1 on the App Store and is practically guaranteed to be the most fun you have holding your iPhone and spinning around in circles today. Why, look at these two gents competing against each other in Spinnnner:

Spinnner! What a country. What a world! What a fantastic use of all the technology and brains that are available to us all. Download Spinnner immediately, before it becomes uncool to uncontrollably spin in circles in otherwise respectable places.