The Soviet Union Once Tried to Make a Tank Fly

From Popular Mechanics

Tanks and airplanes revolutionized warfare in the 20th Century, in both the ground and the air. In a burst of scientific innovation, the Soviet Union experimented with a flying tank-and it almost succeeded.

TacAirNet has a great story on "Krylya Tanka"-literally, "tank wings." Soviet engineers designed wings that could be strapped onto a T-60 light tank. A TB-3 bomber would tow the contraption into the air. Once over the battlefield, the TB-3 would cut the tank loose and the crew would glide their tank to a landing.

It worked-sort of-but technical problems ensured that it never flew again. Later on during World War II, British airborne forces would fly tanks into combat, but inside Hamilcar gliders. Today, Russian paratroopers are equipped with air-droppable armored vehicles in the form of the BMD-4.

Find out more at TacAirNet.