Save 20 Percent (and Your Manicure) with this Digital-Friendly Key Ring

One of the promises of smart houses, smart car, and all the other smart stuff we’re acquiring is that we won’t have to carry around a clunky bunch of keys anymore. But that hasn’t quite panned out, at least not yet. My keychain has gotten smaller, sure, but I still have to lug it everywhere — or get locked out.


It helps if you can find a way to carry those keys that’s tasteful, quiet, and maybe won’t scratch the screen of the smartphone you carry in the same pocket.. These Orbitkey keychains meet all three requirements. You can add and subtract keys from it without destroying your manicure. And you can add a key-shaped USB drive to it and then carry your digital key along with your analog ones.

Of course, I wouldn’t be telling you all that if I hadn’t found your a deal: For two weeks, you can get 20 percent off of anything in the Orbitkey Store. Just make your selection (don’t miss the slick bottle opener ($7.50) and USB drive ($20) accessories) and use the code OrbitkeyYahoo at checkout.