Sad Tweets Is a Website That Shows You Your Worst Tweets Ever :(

Anyone who uses Twitter knows that not every tweet is a winner.

Sometimes you send out a tweet that’s funny or charming or surprising and it gets dozens of favorites and retweets and plaudits from your legions of followers.

Other times — well, other times your tweet is met by silence, or indifference, or the steady march of those legions of followers pressing the “Unfollow” button.

Sad Tweets is a new website devoted to the latter. The site scans through your Twitter feed and shows you the “saddest, most lonely tweets you’ve ever tweeted.” Spotted by Rhizome Today, and made by the creative lab PARTY NY, Sad Tweets is like a graveyard for your most depressing Twitter failures.

The website scans through your Twitter feed and then shows you, one by one, all the tweets that nobody favorited or retweeted, one tweet at a time. The tweets zoom toward you slowly, inescapable in their awfulness, one after another, ceaselessly. Prepare to shake your head at your repeated Twitter defeats and wonder where you went so, so wrong.

You can try out Sad Tweets here. Unfortunately, you can view only your own Twitter feed’s saddest tweets at the moment; hopefully soon you will be able to view the saddest tweets of your friends and colleagues, so that you can mock them and make yourself feel a little better about your own failures. (Or, you know, commiserate with them.)

You can follow me on Twitter right here. And believe me when I say that, if you follow me, there will be plenty of sad tweets in your future.


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