Todo for Mac review

Todo for Mac helps you organize your various tasks and stay on top of projects. You will surely benefit from this app's organizational tools.


Organization options: When you add tasks to this program, they'll all show up under the All Tasks listing, so there's always somewhere you can go to see everything at once. Urgent tasks, which by default includes anything due that day or overdue, will also be assigned to your Focus List, and you can customize what shows up here as well. You can also create different types of tasks. For instance, a Normal task is independent of any others, but a Project can be broken down into several subtasks, and a Checklist includes many basic items that you want to group together.

Prioritization and geotagging: To make sure you complete your tasks in the right order, you can also set priorities for different items, with options including None, Low, Medium, and High. You can also set reminders linked to a location, so when you reach that location, the app will automatically remind you what you need to do there.


Syncing issues: This app can theoretically sync with the iOS app via iCloud or Dropbox, a feature which makes it much more useful. But during testing, we found that syncing is sporadic and unreliable, leaving you with dated lists on either one or another of the devices you're using.

Bottom Line

Todo for Mac has a lot of nice features to help you tailor its organizational tools to your own system. But the unreliability of the syncing feature definitely takes away from the app's appeal.

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