Buying the 21 most expensive apps on the App Store will cost you over $12,000

A lot of digital ink has been spilled over the price of the Apple Watch in recent weeks, but one list might help put things into perspective. Business Insider rounded up the top 21 most expensive apps on the App Store, and all told, it would cost $12,149.79 to buy all of them.

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There are a few apps on this list that might actually be worth the price of admission, such as a reference book for doctors or a communication app for people with conditions that affect their ability to speak, but a majority seem to be gimmicks, luring in the poor saps that can’t resist the urge to find out why they’re so expensive.

For example, the hideous looking QSFFStats will allow you to keep track all the stats of your flag football games. It looks about as effective as a spreadsheet and it costs $999.99. This is the homepage of the developer behind the app. Unreal.

Another app, iVIP Black, requires users to certify they are worth over $1 million. Once your net worth has been confirmed, you can enjoy “extra-special experiences like complimentary upgrades, surprise gifts, welcome packages, exclusive rates, priority access, and other unique privileges across iVIP’s global range of luxury partners and services.”

Jody Sieradzki put together a nice chart over at Dadaviz to illustrate the insanity of these apps:

Most Expensive iPhone Apps
Most Expensive iPhone Apps

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