A robot sawed through a wall while carrying the Olympic flame (and yet humanity still stands)

It's 2017 so of course the phrase, "a robot cut through a wall to pass the Olympic torch on to its creator" is a real sentence to describe a real thing that actually happened

On Monday, "Hubo," a robot created at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, passed the Olympic flame through a hole it cut in a wall to its creator, Professor Oh Jun-Ho. The passing of the torch was a part of the 101-day Olympic torch relay as the 2018 Winter Olympics fast approaches.

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The hole-cutting party trick was the same task Hubo performed in 2015 to win the DARPA Robotics Challenge.

So a congratulations is in order to "Hubo" for carrying the Olympic flame and also to humanity for having handed fire to a robot and lived to tell the tale. We won't be able to get away with this for much longer.