Rand Paul: If You Fly a Drone Over My House, I Will Shoot It Down With My Shotgun



During the first-ever Snapchat interview with a member of the United States Senate, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told CNN that if a drone flyover like the one that occurred at the White House Monday were to happen at his home, he’d shoot it down.

"Drones should only be used according to the Constitution," Paul explained. "But if they fly over my house, they better beware. Because I’ve got a shotgun.”

The comment, spotted by Politico, was a snippet from Tuesday’s “historic,” but not-so-ephemeral, Snapchat interview with the Kentucky senator and potential 2016 presidential candidate. Paul, the son of three-time presidential aspirant Ron Paul, was Snapped a doodled-on picture of the White House with the text “DO YOU WANT TO LIVE HERE AFTER 2016?”

He replied, “Maybe. But they may have to make the fence and guard the fence a little bit better than they have been doing lately.”


The senator of four years has become famous for publicly speaking out against the policies of the current commander in chief, Barack Obama. He didn’t offer a take on the president’s new push for hobbyist drone regulations. (Something tells us Paul would want to ensure that the right to flex Second Amendment muscle would not be ignored in the legislative deliberations.)

Paul did introduce bills in 2012 and 2013 to prevent the government from using drones in domestic spying campaigns. Those proposed pieces of legislation died in the Senate, however.

CNN’s full interview with Rand Paul can be found on YouTube or CNN.com.