Quick! Grab This Super-Sweet Deal on a Robot Vacuum (Deal of the Day)

I’m pretty sure that giving your sweetie a vacuum cleaner for Valentine’s Day will not get the results you are hoping for. (Unless an angry stare and plenty of free time to do your own vacuuming is what you wanted.) But what about a robot vacuum cleaner? Isn’t that like giving someone a clean house, free time, and a cute pet all at the same time?


That’s a judgement call you’ll have to make for yourself. But if you think it sounds like a sweet idea, check out this cute bObsweep Bobi Pet pet-hair cleaning robot. (It’s the one in the photo that’s almost as cute as the puppy.) It runs around the house gathering up pet hair while you do whatever else you want to do. You can set it to work when you aren’t home. It can even find its own battery charger and charge itself up when it needs to, so it’s nearly self-sufficient. (You do have to empty its dustbin once in a while, but that’s about it.)

And, of course, I got you a sweet deal: Use the code TECH50 at bObsweep.com to get 50 percent off. But do it before Valentine’s Day. [Update: Deal extended to Feb 22!]

When not out finding great deals, Christina Tynan-Wood can be found here on Twitter.