President Obama Forgets His BlackBerry

President Obama with cellphone
President Obama with cellphone

(Associated Press)

Immigration reform, the Keystone Pipeline debate, and an obstinate Congress trying to sue him over healthcare legislation: The president of the United States has a lot on his mind.

So for Barack Obama, remembering to throw his cellphone into his travel bag may not have been a high priority.

As chronicled by The Wall Street Journal, President Obama boarded and then quickly stepped off the Marine One helicopter Friday, rushing back into the White House to grab his BlackBerry before leaving for Las Vegas.

Such a forgetful president. We swear, he’d lose his support in Congress if it weren’t attached to … oh.

President Obama jogging back toward the White House
President Obama jogging back toward the White House

(Associated Press)

No doubt the leader of the free world felt he appeared absentminded to his ever-present crowd of reporters. So to assure everyone he’s not unlike your average Joe, the president asked onlookers, “Didn’t you guys ever forget something?”

Mind you, this was while he was hustling across the lawn of his castle-sized house and back into his private helicopter.

Oh, and the cellphone he went back for, the BlackBerry — that’s not exactly the kind of phone everyone uses these days. Though, to Obama’s credit, he has said that he’d love to be able to use the phone of the people (the iPhone), but for security reasons he isn’t allowed one.

Obama should, at any rate, go down in history as being, not only the first smartphone president, but also the first Twitter president, Facebook president, Instagram president, et al. So using an out-of-style handset doesn’t offset that stellar record of prez techiness.

And if you really think about Friday’s lapse, it’s easy to see why it was a good political move.

With the gridlock that’s been present in the Capitol these last years, Friday’s jog across the grass probably rendered Obama the fastest-moving anything Washington has seen in a long time.

Such a forgetful president. We swear, he’d lose his support in Congress if it weren’t attached to … oh.
Such a forgetful president. We swear, he’d lose his support in Congress if it weren’t attached to … oh.

(Getty Images)

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