Pogue's Basics: Save time texting your favorite contacts

I text my wife a lot. What can I say? She’s awesome.

But it takes a lot of steps.

Unlock the phone, go to the Home screen, hit Messages, find her name, etc.

Not anymore!

In iOS 10, you can designate someone as a Favorite — and you can initiate a text to that person right from your start screen.

Step 1: Designate the favorite. Open the person’s Contacts card and hit Add to Favorites.

Now the phone asks, which kind of contact do you want to add to favorites? I’m going to select Message.

Step 2: Open the widgets screen — it’s to the left of the Home screen.

Scroll down to Edit. Find Favorites. Hit the + button.

Drag it to the top.

From now on, without even unlocking your phone, you can pick it up, swipe and see your four favorites.

Or your eight favorites, for example, if you expand your list.

Two steps instead of 10. That’s progress!