Olympic athletes train with brain-changing sport headphones

New sport headphones are helping some Olympic athletes gear up for the big games in Rio this summer.

The Halo sport headphones are will enhance a workout by stimulating the brain into a temporary “hyperelasticity.”

Halo Neuroscience says “hyperelaslticity” allows for improved neural connections to enhance workouts. The company describes it as a “hyperlearning” process where the training becomes more productive, similar to how the right nutrition makes training more productive for the body to build muscle.

Olympic athletes Hafsatu Kamara, Mikel Thomas, and Natasha Hastings are training with Halo’s headphones and have already signed endorsement deals. Kamara says she has already seen a difference as she usually does weighted hip thrusts at 100 kg during resistance training but after using Halo Sport she can now train at 120 kg.

The headphones officially launch in the fall but the preorder price is a steep $649.

Until then, we’ll have to watch the Olympics to see how effective this brain-altering technology really is.

Via; engadget

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