North Korea Loves to Outfit Its Tanks With Weird and Questionable Mods

Photo credit: Rodong Sinmum photo.
Photo credit: Rodong Sinmum photo.

From Popular Mechanics

Tanks observed at a North Korean tank competition reveal a number of questionably useful upgrades to the tracked fighting machines. The upgrades, which consist of strapping extra machine guns, anti-tank missiles, and surface-to-air missiles are apparently meant to offset military advantages in enjoyed by U.S. and South Korean forces.

The upgrades were observed at the Korean People's Army Tank Crews' Competition 2017. According to Pyongyang's Rodong Sinmun news site, the competition consisted of tank crews competing in a variety of events, including driving, gunnery, and navigating obstacles. The tanks appear to be Chonma-ho main battle tanks, a North Korean version of the 1960s-era Soviet T-62 tank.

Photo credit: Rodong Sinmun photo.
Photo credit: Rodong Sinmun photo.

According to, the upgrades include a pair of SA-16 (NATO code name: "Gimlet") shoulder-fired surface to air missile launchers welded to the right side of the turret. Also known Hwaseong-Chong (a matchlock gun), the SA-16 is likely meant to offset the advantage South Korean and American forces have in tactical airpower. Still, unless the targeting mechanism has been wired inside the tank, it's hard to see how tankers sitting in a steel box with very limited visibility could effectively spot, track, and shoot down fast-moving aircraft.

Another modification is the addition of Bulsae (firebird) anti-tank missiles. A laser-guided version of the Soviet Cold-War era AT-4 "Spigot", Bulsae supposedly has a fifty percent greater range, making it effective out to nearly two and a half miles. The original Spigot could penetrate up to 400 millimeters of tank armor, not enough to destroy an American M-1 Abrams or South Korean K-2 tank but enough to destroy other, lighter vehicles. A tank's armament is supposed to be its main gun, so the addition of missiles indicates the North Koreans are well aware their the Chonma-ho's 115-millimeter gun is woefully behind the times.

Photo credit: Rodong Sinmun photo.
Photo credit: Rodong Sinmun photo.

Other upgrades appear more useful. The tanks appear to have additional armor wrapped around their turrets, creating a conspicuous bulge. This sort of modification was first seen in the 1980s on Soviet tanks and nicknamed "Dolly Parton" for reasons you can probably guess. Another modification is a pair of forward-facing machine guns, which, if they can be accurately controlled, would be useful in distracting the aim of enemy anti-tank missile gunners.

According to the Rodong Sinmun, tankers from the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division-the unit that led the original invasion of the south in 1950-won the competition.

Photo credit: Rodong Sinmun photo.
Photo credit: Rodong Sinmun photo.

Souce: NKNews

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