Nintendo Switch 2 price tipped for $400 by analyst — and games will hit $70

 Nintendo Switch OLED Splatoon 3 edition.
Nintendo Switch OLED Splatoon 3 edition.

An industry analyst for Japanese consultancy firm Kantan Games has suggested that the Nintendo Switch 2 will be released in 2024 and cost $400, a significant price increase compared to the launch price of the original Nintendo Switch.

The prediction comes via an annual industry analyst predictions roundup published by In this article, Dr. Serkan Toto of Kantan Games says “I believe the next [Nintendo] hardware will drop [in 2024] for $400.”

This would be a $100 price increase compared to the first-generation Nintendo Switch, which launched for $299 in 2017. However, it would still position Nintendo’s next console as a cheaper alternative to the PS5 and Xbox Series X. These two machines launched for $499 in 2020. However, both went on sale over the holiday sales period, with the Xbox Series X dropping as low as $399 last month.

Dr. Toto also advises that the standard retail price of a Nintendo Switch 2 game could increase as well: “There is a high chance that games will cost more, too: $70.” This $70 price point has become standard for PS5/Xbox Series X games, but as of now, flagship Nintendo Switch games continue to cost $60 as standard.

However, Nintendo has experimented with higher pricing in the past. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom launched at $70 last year. It was warmly received by players, so clearly the majority of Nintendo fans didn't mind spending an extra $10 to return to Hyrule.

Analyst: Switch 2 will be an iteration not a revolution

In the same article, Dr. Toto also expresses their belief that the Switch 2 will build upon its predecessor without radically altering the core tenants of the platform.

“The next system is also likely to be an iteration rather than a revolution. Nintendo might add some bells and whistles to the device, but it will be similar to the current Switch.

“And because there is Pokémon, and Pokémon is associated with handheld gaming, there is no way on earth Nintendo will drop the portability feature for their next big thing,” said Dr. Toto.

The Nintendo Switch 2 rumor mill has been churning for months now, but Nintendo has yet to confirm any official details about the console. We don’t even have confirmation that the company's next console will be a follow-up to the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo has a track record of unexpected moves, so it could Wii U it all up.

The most prominent Nintendo Switch 2 rumors suggest that the console will launch sometime this year, with some sources claiming the Switch 2 will arrive in late 2024.

Furthermore, an even more recent rumor has suggested it’ll be announced by March and that a Bayonetta Trilogy package will be released for the system with upgraded visuals and performance.

However, until we get official word from Nintendo, take all of these rumors with a grain of salt. The interest in a Switch 2 is only growing as we enter 2024 so fingers crossed Nintendo feels ready to talk soon as we’re itching for concrete news.

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