You’ll never look at your TV the same way again

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to get serious for a few moments, if we may. We show you plenty of great deals every day, and we constantly cover awesome products that our readers love. We hear from readers all the time who tell us how much they appreciate our recommendations, and how grateful they are after saving so much money. Of course, not everyone listens to us, and that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. But if you pick up only one product that we recommend, this is the one: The Luminoodle Color Bias Lighting Kit.

This awesome and affordable gadget plugs into a USB port on the back of your TV and automatically turns on as soon as you power up your television, projecting gorgeous backlighting onto the wall behind your TV. You can adjust the brightness and change colors using the included remote, and the result is a viewing experience that’s so much better than watching normal TV, it’s difficult to put into words. Trust us, this will be the best $21 you ever spend.

Some highlights from the product page:

  • INCLUDES: 78-in high quality RGB LED strip light kit to provide 250 lumens of USB bias lighting, 3M adhesive backing and reversible USB for easy plug-in. A built in on/off, dimmer, and color changing switch as well as wireless remote make this easy to customize for any viewing situation. 14 color choices, 10 brightness settings, 3 white modes and 3 fade or strobe modes. Provides benefits with any TV size 30”/40”/50”/60” USB Input: 5W (5V, 1A)

  • EASY TO USE: Just clean the back of your TV, secure your LED strip light, plug the RGB TV backlight USB plug into the USB port, and you have a great TV light or monitor backlight. Cut the LED strip every 2 inches for the perfect fit for any size screen. The TV light strip powers on and off with your TV’s USB port. Choose from 14 color options, 10 dimmer settings, 3 white modes, and single and multi-color strobe and fade modes.

  • CREATE A BEAUTIFUL VIEWING EXPERIENCE: With RGB LED bias lighting, you create sharper images and color contrast while adding beautiful TV ambient lighting of any color to your surroundings. Customize the backlight to your surroundings by choosing the perfect color and brightness setting. Easy on/off switch for TVs with a constant on USB setting. The Luminoodle Backlight for TV creates a beautiful environment that makes your friends and family want you to be the one to host viewing parties.

  • REDUCE EYE STRAIN IN CHILDREN & ADULTS: With increasing screen time, eyestrain and headaches have become more and more common. Bias lights save your eyes and prevent unwanted headaches in both children and adults by reducing the contrast between the brightness of the TV and the surrounding room. This 78-inch TV backlight kit with color and dimmer provides benefits with any TV size 30”/40”/50”/60’’

  • 1 YEAR WARRANTY: Power Practical offers a 1 year warranty on our RGB LED TV lights with friendly, easy to access customer support.

Luminoodle Color Bias Lighting for TV - Medium (78in) - Wireless Remote & Built-in Controller -…: $20.99

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