Little Mac punching Mike Tyson off a hoverboard is the greatest Vine ever created

Earlier this month, the Internet was briefly captivated by a video of legendary boxer Mike Tyson trying (and failing) to ride on a hoverboard. In fact, it seems that not even professional boxers have the proper balance to prepare them for riding on hoverboards, as Tyson fell right over within seconds of getting on the device. While this was interesting on its own, it got even better this week when Vine user Ry Ry added in the video game character Li’l Mac from the classic Mike Tyson’s Punch Out Nintendo game to the video. As you can imagine, he cleverly made it look as though Li’l Mac was the one who knocked Tyson off his hoverboard.

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Here is the full Vine:

While it’s easy to predict what’s coming, the timing in the video is absolutely perfect. Very well done, Mr. Ry Ry. The Internet is grateful for your efforts.

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