This Lian Li standing desk could replace your gaming PC case and monitor, all while giving space age realness

 Lian Li DK-7 gaming desk with transparent monitor on top displaying waves.
Lian Li DK-7 gaming desk with transparent monitor on top displaying waves.

It feels like Lian Li is hellbent on making regular setups redundant, as the company’s latest gaming desk idea doubles up as a gaming PC case and a secondary monitor. Better still, it has the ability to cloak its expensive innards, as it can switch instantly from transparent to opaque with the push of a button, providing the experience with major sci-fi vives.

Dubbed the Lian Li DK-07, the best gaming desk contender evidently brings much more to the table than regular surfaces. During its 2024 Digital Expo, the legendary PC case maker outlined all the bells and whistles that will help the latest entry to its DK series break the mould. That includes ordinary conveniences like the fact it’s height adjustable, but also perks like it can house two systems alongside custom water cooling, and that aforementioned magic glass panel that can black out the transparent view from the top.

As if that’s not enough for it to feel like a standing desk from the future, the DK-07 also features a transparent 30-inch LG OLED display mounted under the glass panel. I’m not saying I think this screen is going to replace the best gaming monitor outright, nor would I recommend injuring your neck trying to play shooters with a top down view. However, it could negate the need for a secondary screen, not to mention it will just add something far more aesthetically impressive than a strip of RGB lights.

Smaller niceties include a stealthy drawer with segmented compartments, a cup holder that can heat or chill your drinks, and a retractable USB hub that boasts power outlets and wireless charging on top. As someone who usually has some sort of Steam Deck dock cluttering up their surface, I’m fully on board for that latter feature, not to mention it’s going to cut down on the number of rogue cables threatening to disrupt your clean setup.

Lian Li hasn’t revealed how much this ridiculously impressive gaming desk will cost, and we’re still waiting for an official launch date. That said, it’s pretty much a guarantee that it’ll be one of the most expensive surfaces out there, especially since the DK-04 still costs $1,499 at Newegg.

For the sake of fairness, it’s worth keeping in mind that the Lian Li DK-07 will be much more than a gaming desk. I’d go as far to say that it’s more of an all-in-one battle station that will save you including various other bits of kit in your setup. Plus, it looks like something I’d expect teenagers to be using in the year 2086 while orbiting Mars, and I’m always on board for a bit of futurism (even if it would take me till well into the future to save up for one).

Looking to get away from your desk? Check out the best gaming handheld and best gaming laptop options for on-the-go Steam machines. Alternatively, swing by the best gaming monitors for a selection of snazzy screens.