Letter: Count your solar-powered blessings

I would agree with Duane Mara of Montgomery that there are problems with solar farms. No, I don’t think solar panels heat the air more than naked soil, and probably less. But, yes, they need to be correctly placed where farming is not impacted. And, they need to be correctly recycled, like all materials.

So, the glass is half-empty, but compared to what?

China will be installing 1,200 gigawatts of solar. This is equal to 1000 nukes, and each uses tons of water.

Coal has despoiled more than 5 million acres and miles of streams. Fossil fuel pollution and resulting health impacts (and climate extremes) cost Americans more than $800 billion per year (NRDC, Stanford). The pollution robs each of us an average of almost 3 years of life expectancy”.

Solar energy is a less expensive, less harmful alternative. I say, "count your solar blessings!”

Jan Freed, Los Angeles

This article originally appeared on Montgomery Advertiser: Letter: Count your solar-powered blessings