The iPhone 8 Will Be This Big (Report)

It's no secret now that Apple is working on a big iPhone update. But when it's released later this year, it might be literally very, very big.

The iPhone 8 could feature a 5.8-inch OLED display. Credit: Tech Driven Times/YouTube
The iPhone 8 could feature a 5.8-inch OLED display. Credit: Tech Driven Times/YouTube

The iPhone 8 could feature a 5.8-inch OLED display. Credit: Tech Driven Times/YouTube

Apple is planning a 5.8-inch screen size for its upcoming iPhone 8, Japan-based news outlet Nikkei is reporting, citing sources who claim to have knowledge of the company's plans. the screen size will complement the 4.7-inch iPhone 7s and 5.5-inch iPhone 7s Plus, according to the report.

What's more, the Nikkei is reporting that Apple's iPhone 8 screen will indeed come with a curved design and use OLED technology, rather than the LCD Apple has relied upon for all previous iPhone displays.

Apple's iPhone turns ten years old this year, and that has prompted the company to look for new ways to expand its iPhone line and deliver a major update in 2017, according to several reports. Apple is said to be working on a device that could come with an all-glass design and the aforementioned curved display. There's also a good chance that the device will support wireless charging.

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All of those features, however, will come at a cost. According to some reports, Apple's iPhone 8 could cost $1,000 or more when it's made available later this year.

Exactly how the bigger screen in the iPhone 8 might actually work, however, remains to be seen. Several reports have said that Apple is planning a "function area" as part of the screen, so you'll be able to control the device through the touch display. That function area could be where Apple houses its Touch ID fingerprint sensor and home button.

The function area could reduce the amount of usable screen real estate when you're using the rumored function area, but we suspect the iPhone 8 would go into full-screen mode when watching movies and playing games.

The iPhone 8 is expected to go on sale in September.

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