The InstruMMents 01 looks like a pen, but it’s actually the coolest thing we’ve seen in a long time

Our Editor Zach Epstein wrote about the InstruMMents 01 not long ago, and his article caught my eye. I asked him if I could borrow it to see what all the fuss is about, and he said no. Actually, I believe his exact words were “hell no.” I finally convinced him to let me test it out for a few minutes, and it really is as impressive as he says. Connect it to your iPhone or Android phone, roll the back of the pen along any 2D or 3D surface, and the 01 will capture its dimensions. You’ve really got to check this thing out!

Here are the key details from the product page:

  • Easy to use. Intuitively roll 01 with one hand over any 3D object or surface to capture its dimensions

  • Built to Last. Carved in aluminum and steel and dust/splash resistant. Match with InstruMMents’ Saffiano sleeve for added protection

  • Connected. Connect 01 to your smartphone via Bluetooth

  • Carry Less. Conveniently contained within a pen, pencil or stylus. Versatile, compact and lightweight for easy carrying in your bag, purse or pocket

  • A Serious Writing Instrument. Made with highest quality ink cartridge and twist mechanism. Feels perfectly weighted and balanced in your hand. No Charging Required. Batteries last up to six months

InstruMMents 01 Dimensioning Instrument + Pen: $149.99

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