This Hunk of Plastic Is Three High-End Cameras in One

Photo credit: 3D Hubs/Paul Kohlhaussen
Photo credit: 3D Hubs/Paul Kohlhaussen

From Popular Mechanics

For most people, the only camera they will ever need is the one attached to their phone. The best camera is the one you have on you. On top of that, high-end, dedicated cameras can be to expensive for dabblers, so only professional photographers or dedicated hobbyists get to own one.

Paul Kohlhaussen was looking for a very specific type of camera: a wide-angle film camera. Unfortunately, the only ones available cost thousands of dollars, so Kohlhaussen decided to build his own. His project was an entry to 3D Hubs Student Grant competition.

He took the best features from three different cameras: the Mamiya 7 and Leica M, both costing thousands of dollars; and the Hasselblad XPan which is no longer manufactured. Kohlhaussen 3D-printed many of the components of his camera and attached a Schneider Kreuznach 90mm Super Angulon lens.

Photo credit: 3D Hubs/Paul Kohlhaussen
Photo credit: 3D Hubs/Paul Kohlhaussen

The result is an excellent wide-angle camera for a fraction of the normal cost. The customized, modular design allows Kohlhaussen to swap out parts to work with other camera equipment. He plans to release the plans so that anyone can print out and make their own camera. This way, specialized cameras will be available to everyone, not just those that can afford the high price points.

Source: 3D Hubs

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