How to Turn Off Twitter’s New Autoplaying GIFs, Vines, and Videos

Twitter announced last June that GIFs would (finally) be supported in tweets, which was pretty great news. This January, it announced that anyone could upload video in a tweet and that was…okay. Fast forward six months, and now Twitter has enabled autoplay on all those GIFs and videos and Vines in tweets. Maybe not so great!

But don’t worry. You iPhone owners can turn off this new auto-play setting and spare yourself the eye strain and headaches that comes with the mandatory playing of animated media. Here’s how:

From the app’s Home screen, tap the Me icon at the bottom right, then touch the gear icon near your profile picture. Select the Settings button that pops up.


Touch Video autoplay, and you’ll be taken to a screen with options to either turn off the feature all together, or limit it to only when your phone is connected to Wi-Fi. Make your selection by tapping it and you’re done.


Autoplaying tweets haven’t come to or the Twitter Android app yet. So those of you not on iPhone, or not using Twitter’s professional suite, Tweetdeck, are spared. For now.

Via: Wired

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