How to Tag People in Photos on Twitter


It would be pretty awesome to tag a photo of yourself and the Dalai Lama on Twitter.

Earlier this week, Twitter announced that it was rolling out a feature that allowed you to tag people in photos via its Android and iOS apps. Now it finally seems to be up and running!

Here’s how you do it:

Open your Twitter app, and tap the quill icon on the top-right corner of the screen.


From here, you’ll have the option to either take a photo directly from your phone or to pick one from your photo library.


I took a photo of my editor, Jason. He’s just so chipper all the time.


If you’re satisfied with your shot, tap Use Photo in the bottom-right corner of the screen. If you want to try again, tap Retake.

Once you’ve settled on an image, a draft of your tweet will appear on your screen. Underneath the photo you’ve included, you’ll see a blue box that asks, Who’s in this photo? Tap that.


From there, a list of suggestions will pop up below your tweet, displaying the people you’ve interacted with most recently on Twitter. You can scroll down and choose someone or type in the name manually. Manual search isn’t working for me on iOS quite yet, but it’s perfectly functional on Android.


You can choose up to 10 people. Probably the only un-Facebook-like thing about this new feature is that you don’t get to choose what area on the photo is matched to that name.

Some people have already decided to turn off the ability for the public or people they don’t follow to tag them in photos. You’ll be able to see that next to a person’s name when you search for him.


When you’ve finished tagging, just tap the Done button in the upper-right corner.

Your tweet draft will pop up again, this time with the name of the people you’ve tagged beneath the photo. You can choose to type a message to go along with it, or just tweet it sans context.


When you tweet a tagged photo, it shows up like this for the other person:


Now go tag away, my pretties! Just keep all of my double-chinned photos out of it.

Follow/tag only flattering photos of Alyssa Bereznak on Twitter or email her here