How to Remove Birthdays from Your Google Calendar

Google Calendar screenshot
Google Calendar screenshot

Not necessary.

We may not have much use for paper calendars in 2015, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tidy up your digital ones. The first place to start is the automatically added birthdays on your Google Calendar.

How did they get there in the first place? It seems Google thought itd be a good idea to automatically integrate the birthdays of every one of your Google+ acquaintances into your daily schedule. As a result, you see reminders about random people you probably don’t even remember following on your personal calendar. Yes, you can hide it from view. But heres how to erase it from your world completely:

1. On the left-hand side of your calendar page, look for a section titled My calendars, and then click the arrow to its right.

Google Calendar screenshot
Google Calendar screenshot

2. Then click Settings.

Google Calendar screenshot
Google Calendar screenshot

3. Youll arrive at a list of all the calendars you subscribe to. Skim past that until you see the title Other Calendars; then, on the right side of the page, click Browse interesting calendars.


4. Youll arrive at a list of country-specific holiday calendars. Interesting indeed! But not helpful. At the top of the page, click the More tab.

Google Calendar screenshot
Google Calendar screenshot

5. Finally we have arrived at the Holy Grail of calendar settings: the place where you can click Unsubscribe and do away with those automatically added birthdays forever.

Google Calendar screenshot
Google Calendar screenshot

Your 2015 just got a little less cluttered.

(h/t Brenden Mulligan!)

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