How to Make Sending Real Holiday Cards Less of a Hassle (Deal of the Day)

Have you given up on sending holiday cards? Buying them, commandeering the kitchen table for a week to write them, going to the post office for cute stamps, mailing them in time so they reach everyone before New Year’s: Let’s face it, the whole thing is a monumental hassle.

At first, I was happy that we’d all apparently agreed to give up on the old holiday ritual. But an email, a Facebook update, or (worst) a text just isn’t the same as getting an actual paper card in the mail.

image aims to bring the whole thing back by way of making it as easy to send a hand-written card as it is to send an email. Log on, choose a card, upload your photos, and type in your text. Bond prints the card, then has someone (non-human) write your message, addresses it, and mails it to your friends and family members. All for about $3 per recipient.

But, hey! You’re here for the deals. You don’t have to pay full price. Just use the code DEALSEEKER10 to get 10 percent off your final bill at between November 24, 2015, and January 1, 2016.

Want more deals? Check these out:

When not out finding great deals, Christina Tynan-Wood can be found here on Twitter.