Head-up display devices are on sale, can keep you safer on the road

The integration of smartphones, GPS, and advanced infotainment consoles in our cars have undoubtedly made driving easier and more enjoyable. But they’ve also added distractions to an experience that really demands our undivided attention. After all, taking your eyes off the road for just two seconds makes you 24x more likely to get in an accident, according to Journal of Transportation Safety and Security.

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GPS smartphone apps like Waze or Google Maps help drivers find the quickest routes to their destinations, while deftly dodging traffic jams and highlighting areas of interest along the way. But most phone mounts occupy a different focal plane than the road ahead, causing the driver’s vision to refocus every time they glance down at it. These split-second breaks in concentration can diminish reaction time and situational awareness, increasing danger during hazardous road conditions. 

Hudly Wireless solves that problem by projecting your GPS directions on the same focal plane as the road, and its flat, transparent display retains your complete field of vision instead of obstructing a phone-sized chunk of it. 

Image: hudly

Whether you’re driving during the day or in the dead of night, visibility won’t be a problem. Hudly adjusts to the environmental lighting to optimize brightness (up to five times brighter than an iPhone X’s screen, in fact). Hudly Wireless is designed to provide a clear view from multiple angles, so you and your passengers can both share the screen, no matter who it's pointed at. 

As its name implies, Hudly Wireless pairs to your iOS or Android device through a streaming monitor connection; Miracast or Airplay, respectively. That means anything you can view on your phone can be cast to Hudly in real time, so you’re free to use all your favorite navigation and media apps.

Image: hudly

This smaller, streamlined HUD also eliminates the need to look down at your dashboard, while simultaneously giving you a clear readout of your speed. That translates to improved safety and fewer speeding tickets.

Instead of connecting to your phone, Hudly Lite connects directly to your car via a simple, plug-and-play installation process. Just plug it into your OBD2 (onboard diagnostics) port. As long as your car was made after 1996, you’ll have one.

Once connected, place Hudly Lite atop your dashboard; a rubber mat mounting system holds it securely in place, even on bumpy terrain. It then uses your windshield to reflect its LED heads-up display into your field of vision, without any detectable latency. That means you’ll see speed and acceleration info in real-time.

The HUD is equipped with a built-in light sensor that adjusts according to the time of day, so you’ll always have ideal visibility. There’s even a notification that chimes in through Hudly’s built-in speakers when you’ve gone over the speed limit — particularly handy when you’re driving in unfamiliar territory.

Make driving a safer and more convenient experience by recruiting Hudly as your co-pilot. Hudly Wireless is on sale for just $259 after a 25% reduction, and Hudly Lite’s regular $99 price has been reduced to just $59.

Hudly Wireless Smart Driving Head-Up Display—$259
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Hudly Lite Driving Head-Up Display — $59
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