Google Discover update makes it easy to see articles and videos you 'liked'

 Google Discover feed.
Google Discover feed.

What you need to know

  • Google Discover has gained a new "liked" page within its "Saved" tab in the main app.

  • Users who tap the heart icon beside articles and YouTube videos will find that content listed as a grid view in the "liked" tab on Android and desktop.

  • Google has been spotted testing a Discover feed for computers in India, which might entail such a feed arriving on its main page beneath the search bar.

Google is bringing a quality-of-life update to its Discover feed that might help users find what once interested them.

As spotted by 9to5Google, the company has added a new "Liked" section to the "Saved" page in the main Google app. Now, users interacting with the heart icon nestled beneath recommended articles and YouTube videos can find them easily in one place.

Everything that you've saved will appear there in a grid view, accompanied by an easy-to-identify cover image, source link, and headline — if it's an article.

A look at Google's new
A look at Google's new

This "Liked" tab differentiates itself from the "Saved" portion, which primarily deals with items discovered via Google Search that you've specifically hit "save" on. Moreover, saving items lets you save images and information from Maps, and then the app packages these items into collections so you can easily return to them.

Additionally, desktop users can view their "liked" content through the Interests page. Keep in mind that the view still echoes what you'd see on Android phones, so it's not entirely optimized for computers but works nonetheless.

Users who primarily hop into the main Google app for Search and article discovery can likely put this addition to good use. When the app brought the heart icon to like articles late in 2020, users could re-discover them in "My Google Activity," which in itself has silently moved out of sight.

More importantly, the chance to at least see what you've liked on the mobile app on the desktop could be seen as preparation for a bigger addition. In October, Google started testing the Discover feed on computers for users in India. If all goes well, desktop users may see the Discover feed featured on directly beneath the search bar.

The test shows that, if enabled, users would see recommended news, stocks based on their web activity, and other items related to their interests. This, of course, isn't the first Google has tried something like this as you may remember the small Discover-like cards that used to appear on its main page back in 2022.