Google Glass App Would Help Conservatives See Taxpayer Waste Everywhere They Look

Developers have manipulated Google Glass, the upcoming wearable, head-mounted computer from Google, for many different purposes, turning the device into a music player, a speedometer, a payment system and more.

Now, a political group called Red Edge has found a new application for Google Glass: conservative talking-point machine.

Augmented Advocacy is a new app from Red Edge, a right-leaning digital advocacy group that turns Glass into a head-mounted teleprompter, one that overlays information (mostly about wasteful government spending, from the looks of it) into your field of vision.

The app is location aware, pulling up conservative talking points based on where you are — so stand next to the White House, say, and it’ll offer you up something to say about Barack Obama, in the form of a Glass information card directly in your field of vision.


For now, the app — which currently appears to be little more than a slick video and a website — will work only in Washington, D.C. (And it may stay that way — unless, of course, Red Edge can extend its list of “taxpayer boondoggles” beyond the Beltway.)

In the meantime, the rest of the country may have to just stick to Fox News (kidding!).

For more on Augmented Advocacy, The Blaze has an interview with the creators right here.

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