Get Last-Minute Theater Tickets on the Cheap (Deal of the Day)

Pulling off this turkey-day get together was a massive feat, right? But now what do you do? The bird is consumed, your crowd is jockeying for position on the couch, and you know from experience this sort of thing can easily go sideways. Someone should take charge and – I don’t know! – buy theater tickets or something? Before people start…. (We all have our own war stories. You are not alone.)

But money is tight. Gotcha! That’s why I arranged today’s deal.


TodayTix is an app. Download it to your phone and – through a mobile lottery – it can score you last-minute, heavily discounted tickets to shows – even popular ones that are nearly sold out. (It works in New York, London, the SF Bay Area, and Washington, DC, at the moment.)

The fact that you didn’t plan for this moment is an advantage because the deals here are on tickets for today. (Well, the same day you are shopping for them. Not necessarily Turkey Day.)

Buying tickets through TodayTix is already a sweet deal. But I got you an even better, exclusive deal. (Deal Seeker! That’s why you love me, right?)

Use the code YAHOOTECH at checkout before December 15 and you will get $10 off your first ticket purchase.

Want more deals? Check these out:

When not out finding great deals, Christina Tynan-Wood can be found here on Twitter.