Get 30 Percent off Honeywell’s Cure for Winter’s Dry Air (Deal of the Day)

Winter weather can be deadly to hair, skin, lungs, cats, musical instruments, and anything else that hates dry air. And when it’s cold out, and we turn on the heat, it only makes the dryness worse. It got so bad a couple of weeks ago, I started shopping for a humidifier — not a normal item on my wish list.


In my search, I found that the Honeywell QuietCare Cool Moisture Humidifier is an easy and inexpensive solution. It puts out a lot of moisture and is nearly silent (unlike the many humidifiers that also double as white-noise machines). It’s easy to fill: Just bring the tank to the sink (you can even run it through the dishwasher) and fill it up. It will run for 24 hours on a single fill. Water it when you water the plants, and your dry air problems will skitter.

It’s normally $60, which is not a bad price in the world of humidifiers. But I got you an even better deal: Shop at, put the QuietCare Cool Moisture Humidifier in your cart, and enter the code 355HY116 at checkout. The first 100 of you to do that, will get 30 percent off of the price. Good luck!

When not out finding great deals, Christina Tynan-Wood can be foundhere on Twitter.

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