Futurama Producer Claudia Katz on the Sci-Fi Show's Return and Incredible Run

Bender talks on the video phone to his sorta-buddy, Calculon
Bender talks on the video phone to his sorta-buddy, Calculon

After 10 years, Futurama fans are back to getting a fresh weekly dose thanks to Hulu’s revival of Matt Groening’s animated sci-fi series. To learn more about what’s going on behind the scenes, io9 got a chance to conduct an email interview with Futurama producer Claudia Katz, who’s been with the show from the very beginning and throughout its many iterations.

Cheryl Eddy, io9: What do you think it is about Futurama as a series that makes it so resilient and able to manifest all of these comebacks?

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Image: Hulu
Image: Hulu

io9: Do you have a personal favorite episode or storyline (and why)?

Katz: Well, that’s like picking a favorite child, but there are always some episodes each season that I am especially fond of. I love the funny and elegant way Matt, David, and the writers figured out how to bring the show back in “The Impossible Stream.” The Momazon episode, “Related to Items You’ve Viewed” is a true comedic and visual tour de force. I also really really love the “Rage Against the Vaccine,” and “Zapp Gets Cancelled.” And, our season finale is one of the best ever! I told you I couldn’t really choose.

io9: How has working with Hulu been different from your previous experiences with Futurama’s various homes over the years?

Katz: Both 20th and Hulu are fantastic partners. Marci Proietto at 20th was a huge driver in bringing the series back and the whole team at Hulu really gets the show and is incredibly supportive. The marketing and launch of the new episodes is incredibly thoughtful and inspiring, and continues to this day.

io9: Has shifting to streaming changed the scope of the show at all?

Katz: I think these two seasons of episodes we’ve produced are probably the biggest in scope so far, at least on average. Moving to streaming has also been a big positive for both the writers and Rough Draft. We’re running about two minutes longer which is really liberating for storytelling and giving some of the more stunning visuals a little more time when needed.

Image: Hulu
Image: Hulu

io9: How do you hit that sweet spot between pleasing pre-existing fans of the series, while also enticing new ones to start watching?

Katz: I think Matt, David, and the writers do a great job of nailing the tone of the show and rewarding longstanding fans by bringing back characters from prior seasons as in the return of the worms from “Parasites Lost” in “Parasites Regained.” However, you wouldn’t need to have seen the original worm episode to enjoy the new one. Visually, our goal is always to make sure the series looks as good or better each time we are lucky enough to return.

io9: How’s the reaction to the new season been so far?

Katz: So far it feels like people are really enjoying the new episodes. I think we’re making our original fans happy, while gaining a whole new audience.

io9: A lot of the episodes have been very focused on stories that feel like commentaries targeting 2023 (including the return of Futurama itself, but also the advent of streaming, bitcoin, the pandemic, Dune, etc.) Why was that something the show wanted to foreground in the new episodes, and is that something we’ll continue to see in the rest of the season?

Image: Hulu
Image: Hulu

Katz: I think that type of commentary has always been a big part of Futurama. In our 10-year absence, there is a LOT of ground to cover. You’ll see a little more of that this season, but there are also episodes that depart from that. Those are great too.

io9: Even if you can’t comment either way, do you hope that there’s more beyond the 20 new episodes?

Katz: Yes! We all do!

io9: How long do you think the show could keep going, in the best-case scenario?

Katz: Given the scope of our universe and all the stories left to tell, a really really long time.

New episodes of Futurama arrive Mondays on Hulu; check out a clip from the most recent episode here.

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