Former Tumblr Employee Launches Kickstarter for Ladies Website


You may not know Amber Gordon, but she has most likely influenced your social feed. Aside from helping manicure Tumblr’s online presence as a former creative strategist there, she’s also known on the Internet for spreading memes like the beloved "Bunny Holding a Sign of 2014" (screencapped below).

Now she’s focusing her digital smarts on a new project: a website called Femsplain.


Gordon recently quit her full-time job at Tumblr to direct all her energy toward the site. On Monday she launched a Kickstarter, where she’s looking for $25,000 to get the site running.

A couple of disclosures: First, Tumblr is owned by Yahoo, which also owns Yahoo Tech. Second, I’ve contributed to Femsplain, a self-proclaimed “fem-powered content community,” twice since it launched in October 2014. (Once about my experience as the target of cruel meme-dom and again revealing my secret life as a Dave Matthews Band superfan). That wide range of subject matter is pretty standard on the burgeoning site, which runs personal essays from smart women based on monthly themes like “firsts,” “secrets,” and “change.” Its signature piece seems to be the lady confessional — stories you might hear told in the privacy of a slumber party fort, except, you know, everyone’s an adult now. Gordon herself used the platform to come out to the public in December.

Overall it’s a refreshing and self-aware medium for women of the digital age who might find themselves increasingly alienated by the ultra-Photoshopped and fluffy Cosmopolitans and Vogues of the world. If you find yourself sucked into the feed, like I often am, consider throwing them a dime.

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