Forget the AirPods: These Wireless Earbuds Are Now $49

The AirPods are Apple's first foray into the wireless headphones industry offering a no-fuss, near-instantaneous way to wirelessly connect to your iOS device. However, at $159, they're far from cheap and their cable-free design makes them easy to misplace.

Fortunately, the AirPods aren't the only wireless earbuds in the market. The Syllable D900 Mini Bluetooth Earphones offer the same wireless capabilities as Apple's AirPods, but at a considerably lower price. In fact, these $99 earbuds are currently on sale for just $49.99.

The earbuds are extremely light weighing less than 0.5 grams. We found the earbuds were very comfortable and provided 2.5 hours of battery life on one charge, which is average for wireless earbuds.

Audio quality was above average with punchy bass and clean highs. They also delivered enough noise isolation to enjoy listening to Chance the Rapper while riding the noisy New York City subway. We also liked that they come with a carrying case that doubles as their charging stand.

Are these wireless earbuds for the audiophile in your life? Definitely not. But at just $49.99, the D900 Minis are cheap enough that even if you lose them you won't mind too much.

See also : Best (and Worst) Wireless Earbuds Under $60