Dropbox Adds 1 TB Storage Plan for $10 a Month; That’s a Lot of Cat Pictures

Dropbox logo
Dropbox logo

Dropbox, one of the most popular personal cloud storage services, has been taking a beating in the pricing wars from the likes of Google Drive and Microsoft’s OneDrive.

Today Dropbox is fighting back with a new Dropbox Pro option that gives you a whopping 1 terabyte of storage for $10 per month.

To give you an idea of just how much space 1 TB of storage is, it can hold up to 250,000 songs or 120 hours of HD video; that’s enough to save all of your favorite TV shows and songs and still have plenty of room left to store a bunch of your work files.

Dropbox’s new pricing puts it on an even keel with both Google Drive and OneDrive, each of which offer 1 TB of cloud storage for $10 per month or $100 per year. Still, Google Drive gives you 15 GB of storage for free, as well as a 100 GB option for $1.99 per month in addition to its $10 per month 1 TB plan, not to mention access to Google Docs.

If you’re really looking for some serious space, you can buy up to 30 TB of storage for $299 per month.

OneDrive provides similar plans, as well as a 200 GB plan for $3.99 per month. OneDrive’s 1 TB plan also comes with access to Microsoft’s Office 365 Home, which includes subscriptions to the entire Office family of products such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and others.

Dropbox, meanwhile, offers just 2 GB of storage for free Basic accounts. You can, however, earn up to 18 GB more storage space by doing things such as recommending family and friends to use Dropbox and connecting your Dropbox account to your social networks.

So of the three cloud services, which is the best? That depends on what you want to do. If you’re looking for free straight-up storage, Dropbox is a great option, especially if you can get people to sign up through recommendations. Want to get more out of your cloud service? You’ll likely be better off opting for something like Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to try to fill 1 TB of cloud storage with cat pictures and memes.

Eagle riding a T. rex riding a shark
Eagle riding a T. rex riding a shark

Email Daniel at dhowley@yahoo-inc.com; follow him on Twitter at @DanielHowley or on Google+ here