Download the Official Flappy Bird Sequel — Swing Copters — Right Now


Flappy Bird may not be returning to your phone anytime soon, but its sequel, called Swing Copters, is now here to fill the void.

Swing Copters promises to be just as hard (if not harder) than its flapping predecessor, but the premise is simple: Fly as high as you can without hitting the swinging hammers.

Swing Copters is creator Dong Nguyen’s first return to mobile gaming since Flappy Bird, a game that Nguyen removed from the App Store after receiving an alarming amount of unwanted attention from press and paparazzi.

Just as Flappy Bird allowed you to fly only up or down, Swing Copters lets you fly only left or right, creating a zig-zagging flight pattern that makes it difficult to avoid each tier of swinging hammers.

Swing Copters is free for both iPhone and iPad, though there’s the option for a one-time purchase of $0.99 to remove all the ads in the game, according to TouchArcade.

For a better sense of Swing Copters’ gameplay, check out the video below, or you can download Swing Copters over at the App Store here.


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