Donald ‘I’m smart for not paying taxes’ Trump accuses Amazon of skirting taxes

Amazon is the largest web-based retailer on the planet, raking in billions of dollars every year and employing over 340,000 workers. When you’re that big — and the president of the United States likes to go on early-morning Twitter rants before his handlers can distract him — there’s a good chance you’re going to be mentioned once or twice. That’s what happened this morning, as Donald Trump slammed Amazon for what he perceives as damage to the US job market.

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“Amazon is doing great damage to tax paying retailers,” Trump alleged. “Towns, cities, and states throughout the U.S. are being hurt – many jobs being lost!”

Donald Trump — yes, the same Donald Trump who outsources cheap labor at every opportunity — is taking a particularly hard-line stance with Amazon, and it’s not the first time the company has run afoul of him. Trump, who brags that he’s “smart” for not paying taxes, regularly attacks the online retailer for what he seems to believe is abuse of the tax system.

Amazon, of course, was founded by Jeff Bezos. In a remarkable coincidence that surely has nothing to do with Trump’s double-standard on taxes, Jeff Bezos also happens to own The Washington Post — the very same Washington Post that has been extremely critical of Trump’s leadership and has repeatedly broken stories that caused controversy and chaos around the new president. It sure is a small world.

As with most of Trump’s tweets, it’s entirely unclear what action he intends to take on what he perceives as wrongdoing on the part of Amazon.

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