Couple Who Tweet About Every Single Fight Are Now Engaged


The couple on the day of their engagement.

By Molly Mulshine, Betabeat

Alan Linic and Claire Meyer have been tweeting the reasons for every one of their fights since last August. Surprisingly, this did not make them the most annoying couple on social media. In fact, they are incredibly charming, and their feed is hilarious. And now they’re engaged.

We caught up with them to find out all the details. But first, if you’re not familiar with their tweets, here is a smattering of what kinds of things they’re apt to disagree over:


And here’s the tweet announcing their engagement:


Awwww. Meyer answered some questions for us via email:

How did you guys meet?
We met at The Playground Theatre in Chicago. I asked Alan out on the first date, which was a record listening party (for two) at my house.

What made you decide to start the Twitter feed? Didn’t you worry it would have a negative effect on your relationship? Do you really tweet every fight?
We had just finished a fight that started from something ridiculous. We can’t even remember what it was now, but we had said that if [we] posted about it no one would believe us. We started the feed, and were shocked to see how many people had similar fights or really related to it. We have always said that if it ever hurts our relationship we will delete it, but so far it has been really positive for us. We tweet the catalyst of every single fight. Sometimes it just takes longer to post because we don’t tweet until we are both moved on and over the fight.

What do your parents/family members/friends think of the feed?
People have been really supportive of the project. Though we would be OK if [we] never heard “Why don’t you tweet about it!” again.

Describe the proposal.
Alan worked with my best friend to get me out of the house on our one year anniversary. When I got back he had decorated our home and recreated our first date, right down to the B-52s playing on the record player. On our chalkboard wall he had written “Marry Me Claire Meyer” I was so excited I couldn’t even read it and said “Maybe Me Claire Meyer?” I turned around and he was on one knee proposing. I yelled “NO!” out of disbelief which was very uncomfortable and nerve wrecking for poor Alan. After that I instantly accepted (with a few curse words in between). We are over the moon.

Being an Internet Couple, was there temptation to turn the proposal into a viral video? What is your stance on viral proposal vids?
Oh lord. No. It hadn’t even crossed our minds. I have no beef with people posting their proposals, I’ll watch them and cry along, but it just isn’t for us.

Will you continue @WeFoughtAbout throughout your engagement and marriage?
That’s the plan! I hope people are ready for really boring fights on seating arrangements and the like. Our followers were so excited about the engagement though! It was amazing to get an outpouring of support from all over the world. We are two lucky idiots.

Tell us about your stage show!
We are doing a show inspired by @WeFoughtAbout at iO theatre in Chicago. It’s called Group Therapy and runs Sundays at 10:30. The owner of iO, Charna Halpern, has been so supportive of us and helped get us a platform to talk more about the fights and play around with some ideas.

Anything else you’d like readers to know?
We have truly loved hearing everyone else’s fights. They have given us some big laughs. Keep ’em coming!!!