How To Clear Your Google Search History

The tappable shortcuts will be available on the Google App for Android and iOS and on mobile web.

Google knows a lot about you and it should not surprise you to know that everything you say to Google is recorded and kept in a database. However, if you are privacy-conscious enough, you can listen to all of it and delete what you want.

In June 2016, Google launched a new portal for all user account-related activities, from where you can manage your privacy settings and see what you have searched for. Here is how to find and delete the recordings of your voice searches.

  1. Log into

  2. Go to “Activity Control” on the left side of the screen

  3. Go to “Voice & Audio Activity”

  4. Scroll through the list to see everything you have searched for using your voice

  5. Check the boxes next to the recordings you want to delete (you can only check one box at a time)

  6. Click on "Delete" to complete the process

Voice searches are far from the only thing Google saves about its users. All of your search history is saved as well, and if you want to delete that as well, here is how.

  1. Go to Google's history page

  2. Click on menu (the three vertical dots) and then hit "Activity Controls"

  3. Go to "Web & App Activity" and click on "Delete" to complete the process

Similarly, you can go and delete your location history, device information and YouTube search history.

If you want to stop Google tracking your searches for good, head to the activity controls page and toggle tracking off. However, turning off tracking doesn’t mean Google will stop recording what you say to it or storing what you search for. It only means the data will be saved anonymously instead of being linked to your account.

Google claims it stores users’ searches to make ads more relevant and to improve the search feature. If this storage of your internet data makes you feel like your privacy is violated, the only option you have is to not use Google’s services. But if you think it’s illegal for Google to store your data, you would be wrong. When using its services, you agree to allow Google saving your data. Read Google’s Privacy Policy here to understand how and under what circumstances Google can share your information.


For more news videos visit Yahoo View, available now on iOS and Android.

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