By the Numbers: What Happened on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Pilgrim and turkey figurines
Pilgrim and turkey figurines


Ah, Thanksgiving. An orgy of overeating, followed by a frenzy of mindless consumerism. Is there anything more American than that?

Now the dinner leftovers are (mostly) gone and the shopping numbers are in. What happened over the biggest retail weekend of the year? Some 140 million Americans shopped till they dropped — spending around $22 billion at brick-and-mortar stores, according to ShopperTrak. But the notion of a single day of sales collapsed, as stores served up discounts before Thanksgiving and extended store hours into the holiday and beyond.

This year, many people elected to let their fingers do the shopping, spending more online and on their phones than ever before. Internet and mobile sales accounted for another $9.6 billion, per Adobe’s 2014 Digital Index. In fact, shoppers spent more than $1.2 million online during the first minute of Black Friday, according to SumoCoupon, a clearinghouse for online deals and coupons.

Bargain hunting has now become as much of a Thanksgiving tradition as pilgrims, football, and the post-dinner nap. But we’ll let the numbers tell the story:

The Yahoo Index:
Thanksgiving Holiday Sales

Amount Americans spent online on Thanksgiving Day: $1.3 billion

Amount Americans spent on Thanksgiving dinner: $2.3 billion

Number of Americans shopping on Thanksgiving Day: 25.6 million

Number of turkeys eaten: 51 million

Instagram picture of Thanksgiving turkey
Instagram picture of Thanksgiving turkey


Peak Cyber Monday shoppers, per second: 8,365

Peak Thanksgiving photos shared on Instagram, per second: 226

Average calorie count of a turkey dinner with all the trimmings: 4,500

Social media mentions of Fitbit activity tracker over holiday: 100,000

Line chart showing Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales
Line chart showing Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales


Amount spent online on Cyber Monday, per second: $31,242

Average increase in the U.S. national debt, per second: $31,558

Average percentage of price discounts on Thanksgiving Day: 25.2

Average amount spent per online order: $149

Chart comparing purchases made by smartphone and tablet
Chart comparing purchases made by smartphone and tablet


Odds a person shopped via a smartphone or tablet: 1 in 5

Cyber Monday sales made via mobile devices: $419 million

Sales generated from social media referrals: $150 million

Number of tweets stamped with the #blackfriday hashtag: 278,000

Chart showing Black Friday injuries by store, with Walmart having the vast majority
Chart showing Black Friday injuries by store, with Walmart having the vast majority

(Black Fridays Silk)

Days Walmart’s “2014 Black Friday” sale lasted: 8

Percentage of Black Friday injuries that occur at Walmart: 66

People who’ve died in a Black Friday fracas since 2008: 7

Websites selling “I survived Black Friday” T-shirts: 7*

* At least.

Text reading I survived Black Friday 2014
Text reading I survived Black Friday 2014


Questions, complaints, kudos? Email Dan Tynan at