How Bluetooth 5 Will Make Gadgets Better

Soon enough, you'll be using devices that will employ Bluetooth 5.

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) on Wednesday announced the adoption and release of Bluetooth 5, the latest generation in the wireless connectivity standard. The organization says Bluetooth 5-enabled devices will be reaching you "within two to six months."

Bluetooth 5 could have a profound impact on the way your gadgets work. According to the Bluetooth SIG, Bluetooth 5 has four times the range, twice the speed, and eight times the ability to carry message content between devices compared to previous-generation technologies, like Bluetooth 4. That should all allow for Bluetooth signals between your gadgetry to go farther and be far more responsive than they are now. Bluetooth SIG adds that the increase message capacity should allow for devices to send more data and deliver "improved and more context-relevant solutions."

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Bluetooth has become the cornerstone of countless devices, including computer accessories, smart home products, and others. Rather than tether devices, Bluetooth allows for the wireless flow of information between them, making for a more convenient user experience.

While Bluetooth technology continues to be sufficient, the Bluetooth SIG says its latest technology is responding to what it's expected to be a massive influx of new products in the coming years. Chiefly, Bluetooth SIG says Bluetooth 5 will accommodate the Internet of Things and other connected devices.

The organization said in a statement that it anticipates 48 billion Internet-connected devices to be "installed" by 2021, and a third of those will feature Bluetooth.

In addition to speed and capacity improvements, Bluetooth 5 devices will also do a better job of reducing interference with other wireless devices, so you won't need to worry as much about poor connectivity. That could prove critical in accommodating the massive number of connected devices that you'll have in your home or office in the coming years.

Finally, Bluetooth SIG says its new technology will come with energy-efficiency, so Bluetooth 5 doesn't kill the battery on your devices. Look for more on Bluetooth 5 in the coming months as devices become available.

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