Bill Clinton Sent Hillary a ‘Happy Birthday’ Tweet and She Didn’t Favorite It [UPDATE]


“I see you didn’t fave. Could you please fave?” (Photo: New York Post)

UPDATE: She retweeted it — four hours later!

“Happy Birthday to you, dear.”

Former Secretary of State and current Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton turned 68 on Monday and received a number of "HBD” well-wishes from the social media elite in the process.

One very special tweet to her on her big day was from hubby and former Prez Bill Clinton:

The cutesy post has already been favorited by more than 3,000 Twitterers — but the Hill herself was not one of them. In fact, a little research will show that, at time of press, @HillaryClinton has only favorited one birthday tweet, sent by Joaquín Castro, twin brother of rumored Clinton running mate short-lister Julián Castro. (Not going to comment on the political implications here.)


Jealous, Bill? (Screenshot: @HillaryClinton/Twitter)

I can’t pretend that I understand how marriages work — let alone a marriage as long-lived and politically powerful as Bill and Hillary’s. What I do know is that had I not favorited a birthday tweet from my girlfriend — whom I’ve been dating for many, many months — I would be in big trouble.

Then again, I also don’t have the excuse, “Oh, sorry. A little busy being the frontrunner Democratic candidate for president of the United States over here.”

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