'Beat Slayer' (PC): Battle an evil DJ to the rhythm of the music

When protagonist Mia performs a sequence of 20 rhythmic beats, she experiences a powerful state called dance frenzy. ByteRockers´ Games/dpa
When protagonist Mia performs a sequence of 20 rhythmic beats, she experiences a powerful state called dance frenzy. ByteRockers´ Games/dpa

Berlin (dpa) — Berlin in an alternative reality after the fall of the Wall. The evil DJ Dietrich has taken control of the city with a radio signal and the Berliners are his weak-willed subjects. That’s the setting for new PC game “Beat Slayer.”

But there’s also resistance to Dietrich’s control. Mia is at the forefront of the emerging revolution. Her mission is to overthrow Dietrich and save her kidnapped brother.

The gameplay combines roguelite elements with hack 'n' slay and rhythmic action. If Mia dies, the level starts over again. The soundtrack doesn't just serve as a background, it sets the rhythm of every action.

The player not only has to fight against enemy robots, but also act to the beat of the music. It all comes down to precision and timing. Chaotic button pressing leads to failure, because only those who follow the beat can master the game's levels.

The gaming experience is different and varied every time you play. Players have to adapt their playing style in every round to defeat opponents. Whether it's using normal attacks or special attacks, jumping or kicking, the key to success lies in the rhythm.

The dystopian vision of Berlin offers an interesting backdrop, but the plot of “Beat Slayer” remains rather superficial. The attempt to capture the flair of the German capital doesn't quite work either and the depiction remains disappointingly unrealistic.

However, “Beat Slayer” does score points elsewhere. The graphic style deserves praise. Nice comic-like elements like a hatched shadow for the main character and a good mix of pastel colours and dark grey tones fit together really well.

Every single pixel in the game has its own charm. If you’re looking for a music-filled action experience, give “Beat Slayer” a look. The game is available for PCs for around €20/$20.

The background story is narrated with the help of comic-like pictures. ByteRockers´ Games/dpa
The background story is narrated with the help of comic-like pictures. ByteRockers´ Games/dpa
In "Beat Slayer", even a giant robot doesn't stand a chance against the rhythmic kicks of the protagonist. ByteRockers´ Games/dpa
In "Beat Slayer", even a giant robot doesn't stand a chance against the rhythmic kicks of the protagonist. ByteRockers´ Games/dpa
Dystopian Berlin is dark and dangerous in "Beat Slayer". ByteRockers´ Games/dpa
Dystopian Berlin is dark and dangerous in "Beat Slayer". ByteRockers´ Games/dpa