Don't Even Think About Bringing a Note 7 on a Plane

Just because Samsung has stopped making the Note 7, that doesn't mean everyone has heeded the recall. But if you're thinking about putting lots of peoples' lives in danger by bringing that discontinued phone on a plane, think again.

And, no, powering it down doesn't count. You can't store it in luggage, either. And if you try it, you could be subject to prosecution.

Starting this Saturday (Oct. 15), all Galaxy Note 7 phones will be banned from airline flights. The order came down from the FAA and the U.S. Department of Transportation, as reported by Bloomberg.

MORE: 21 Most Hilarious Galaxy Note 7 Memes

The decision follows a worldwide recall that affected 1.9 million Note 7 phones sold in the U.S. There were more than 96 reports of overheating batteries to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 23 of which occurred since the first recall. Replacement phones also caught on fire.

The agency says that 13 people were burned by the devices and that there were 47 cases of damage to property. But those aren't the only disturbing numbers.

Samsung estimates that this fiasco will cost it $5.3 billion in profits. And if you believe one recent survey, a whopping 40 percent of existing Samsung phone owners will be jumping ship to another brand.

One analyst we spoke to suggested that Samsung kill the Galaxy Note brand altogether, but for now Samsung has simply ceased production on the Note 7 line. Would you buy a Samsung phone? Sound off in the comments.

See also : 21 Most Hilarious Galaxy Note 7 Memes