Audible free trial: Listen to best-sellers free for 30 days

Unlike regular books, audiobooks can be listened to at any time, such as during your daily commute. Or, if you find yourself with tired eyes and still have the desire to get lost in beautiful prose, Audible is a great service to consider. The books are recited audibly on whatever device you’re using, leaving your hands free. As far as audiobooks go, Amazon’s service is one of the most popular available, with a huge library and a well-priced subscription plan. Like any subscription service, a free trial is a fantastic way to see what you’ll be paying for, and there is a Hulu free trial and a Disney Plus free trial, by comparison. Read onward for more details on what an Audible free trial looks like.

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Is there an Audible free trial?

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Audible offers a 30-day free trial, offering a chance to test out the other features included with an Audible subscription. If you get an Audible Premium Plus free trial membership, In addition to the full Audible library, you’ll also get the free premium book credit that all Audible Premium Plus members receive each month. You’ll also get full access to the Audible Plus catalog of podcasts, audiobooks, guided wellness, and Audible Originals. This is great content to take in with any one of the best e-book readers, or you can even listen to it on your Amazon Echo or Echo Dot. Amazon provides little complication in terminating your account at the end of your free trial, even sending a friendly reminder before your trial ends so you don’t end up with any unwanted charges.

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Can you get Audible for free?

The only way to get Audible for free is for the 30 days of free access you get with an Audible free trial. An Audible free trial gets you 30 days of access to the Audible Plus catalog of audio content. However, you can get free Audible titles by way of Amazon Alexa. Audible has a free audiobook title available from time to time, and while it’s not free access to the entirety of the Audible library, simply asking Alexa, “Alexa, what’s free from Audible?” will often find you a free audiobook to listen to. It’s important to note that while Audible is an Amazon company, an Audible subscription is different from an Amazon Prime subscription, and subscribing to one does not get you access to the other.

Can you get a three month Audible free trial?

If you’ve heard of the legendary three-month Audible free trial, you might be disappointed. During special events, such as Prime Day sales, Amazon may offer extended Audible free trials for members or other people interested in the service. Much like everything with Prime Day, however, there are no guarantees. If you’re interesting in trying out Audible today, it isn’t necessarily the best policy to just wait until Prime Day.

Are there any Audible deals?

Headphones on a stack of books.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Amazon doesn’t often offer discounts on an Audible subscription. Day in and day out, though, the best Audible deal is the Audible free trial itself. It’s a really great way to explore the best audiobooks and podcasts at no cost for 30 days. It could also be said that the standard plan of Audible Plus, which is only $7.95 per month compared to $14.95 for Audible Premium Plus, is a sort of discount. It includes everything that Audible Premium Plus includes, minus the monthly free premium book.

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