Apple Refreshes iPod Lineup With New Colors and Major Upgrades to iPod Touch

Apple hasn’t given up on the iPod yet, announcing substantial upgrades to the iPod touch today alongside new color options for the iPod nano and iPod shuffle. The devices are being made available in dark blue, hot pink, and gold, in addition to the existing silver, black, and red options.

Apart from these cosmetic options, nothing else has changed for the nano and shuffle, but the iPod touch is getting some new innards: a 64-bit chip for faster performance and gaming (Apple’s A8); a motion co-processor to track physical activity (the M8); and an 8-megapixel camera on the rear, bringing the touch into line with the iPhone 6.

The touch starts at $199 for a 16GB model and goes up to $399 for 128GB model.

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