Adorable Grandparents Are Accidentally Tagging Grandmaster Flash in Their Facebook Posts

You may be familiar with hip-hop legend Grandmaster Flash. He’s responsible for “The Message” and “White Lines (Don’t Do It).”

Grandmaster Flash
Grandmaster Flash

And of course you’re familiar with Facebook, which allows you to tag yourself and public figures in posts. It turns out, however, that there is a phenomenon of grandparents accidentally tagging Grandmaster Flash when they sign off in posts.

How is this happening? When one Facebooker goes to mention another in a post, the service will pop-up a list of suggestions underneath as text is being input. Type “grandma,” and you’re obviously well on your way to tagging “Grandmaster Flash.” Pressing Enter while that Facebook profile is highlighted in the suggestions list will tag it in the post you’re creating.

So, as funny as it is to see your elder family members casually invoking the name of one of the pioneers of modern-day DJ-ing, given the above, it’s not hard to see the cause of it all.



But still, there is now a Tumblr called Grampa and Grandmaster Flash dedicated to collecting examples of when this happens, and it is simultaneously adorable and priceless.









“That should say grandma june!!!!”

Be still our hearts.

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